Support Net Neutrality

Rupeethon strongly supports Net Neutrality; without it, we may be unable to bring you our particular brand of dumb, cringey entertainment. ISP providers are feverishly trying to get the FCC to remove laws and regulations that keep the internet free and open, all in order to make themselves more profitable by charging you, the consumer, for the services you already enjoy. Not only could you be hit by added fees or slowdowns to access various entertainment site you enjoy today, removing these protections could have a tremendous effect on the information and news you are able to access and consume. With a FCC director in the pockets of major corporations and the ISPs, our last hope is for congress to step in and protect a service that has become so immensely integral to our daily lives. The vote for repeal is set for Dec. 14th, 2017. Let your voices be heard; contact you congress representative today and let them know you strongly support net neutrality and a free and open interent. To find out more, check out and join the fight to save the internet.


WE MADE IT! Rupeethon 8 was a successful one, with just over $1500 raised for Child’s Play. As we hit the hay tonight, we just wanna say THANK YOU to all our viewers, old and new, for chatting with us, challenging us and of course, donating to the cause. It makes it all worth the effort. PLEASE STAY TUNED this year as we continue to expand our catalogue with more Livestreams, Let’s Plays and more. Make sure to follow us on facebook, twitch and youtube. SEE YOU SOON!

Onward Into The Miasma!

Rupeethon faithful! We are thrilled to finally be sharing some truly exciting news with you. We begin an all new save file as we debut our first official Let’s Play! Join us as we awkwardly, yet humorously, trudge our way through Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles.

The 2003 action role-playing game for the Nintendo Gamecube has players exploring a vast and extravagant world, plagued by a mysterious and toxic gas known as the ‘miasma’. Players must take control of a crystal caravan charged with the collection of ‘myrrh’, a magic liquid that powers mystical crystals. These crystals generate powerful barriers that keep the miasma at bay, protecting surrounding villages from the gas’s harmful effects. The game is beloved for its impressive visuals, enthralling music, exciting real-time combat and innovative multiplayer design utilizing Gamecube-GBA compatibility.

Join Rupeethon’s own Steve (playing as Sterv), Chrissy (Ris), Scott (Fawkes), and Jonathan (Slappy) as they take on classic Final Fantasy monsters and begrudgingly complete their quest to save the lives of their fellow villagers, including those of their less than supportive family members…maybe. New episodes will be released on Tuesdays and Fridays on the official Rupeethon Youtube Channel, so be sure to like, comment, and subscribe. We look forward to sharing in this new adventure with you!